
Tuesday 24 September 2013


Hanuman, a prominent divine entity in Hinduism, is a Human-like monkey god. He bestows courage, strength and longevity to the person who thinks about him or the god Rama.In Buddhism, the monkey is an early incarnation of Buddha but may also represent trickery and ugliness.

The Chinese Buddhist "mind monkey" metaphor refers to the unsettled,
restless state of human mind. Monkey is also one of the Three Senseless Creatures, symbolizing greed, with the tiger representing anger and the deer lovesickness.

The Mizaru, or three wise monkeys, are revered in Japanese folklore,
together they embody the proverbial principle to
"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature.

They placed emphasis on animals and often depicted monkeys in their art.Monkey brains are eaten as a delicacy in parts of South Asia, Africa and China. In traditional Islamic dietary laws, the eating of monkeys is forbidden.

However, monkeys are sometimes eaten in parts of Africa, where they can be sold as "bushmeat

Saturday 21 September 2013

Domestic cats

           ( Domestic cats) Especially young kittens, are known for their love of play.
This behavior mimics hunting and is important in helping kittens learn to stalk,
capture, and kill prey. Cats will also engage in play fighting, with each other and with humans.
This behavior may be a way for cats to practice the skills needed for real combat,
and might also reduce any fear they associate with launching attacks on other animals
Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth.

They are particularly effective at night, when their light-reflecting eyes allow them to see better than much of their prey.
Cats also enjoy acute hearing. All cats are nimble and agile, and their long tails aid their outstanding balance.

Cats communicate by marking trees, fence posts, or furniture with their claws or their waste.
These scent posts are meant to inform others of a cat's home range.
House cats employ a vocal repertoire that extends from a purr to a screech.

Domestic cats remain largely carnivorous, and have evolved a simple gut appropriate for raw meat.
They also retain the rough tongue that can help them clean every last morsel from an animal bone .
Their diets vary with the whims of humans, however, and can be supplemented by the cat's own hunting successes.

Monday 16 September 2013


Activity Dove Bird


Spotted Doves feed on grains, seeds and scraps. The birds are seen alone or in small flocks, feeding mostly on the ground. Some seeds may be taken in trees and bushes, and birds often enter animal houses, such as chicken coops, to feed on the commercial food.


Spotted Doves breed at any time of the year, but most activity is from September to December. The male performs a display flight, which consists of a steep rising flight with loud wing-clapping. Once the bird reaches a height of about 30 or 40 m above the ground, he then spreads his tail and wings and glides down to a perch. Males also court by walking in front of the female with the black and white neck patch fluffed up while bowing the head up and down.

The nest is a loose platform of sticks, which may be placed in a variety of locations. Both sexes share the incubation of the eggs and the rearing of the chicks.

(Indian Dove Bird - Tamil Nadu).

Sunday 15 September 2013

"love birds "  i have shoot the image in villupuram(tamil nadu).
that birds  pet of  MR.Saran raj S.
Owner of birds talk to me birds maintenance details .

Lovebirds are pint-sized bundles of joy. They have the full personality of parrots while being easy to house because of their size. Lovebirds are little clowns, playing for hours at a time. They love to hang from toys, spin them around, and dance on your shoulder. Watch out for your buttons! They love to pull them off your shirts! They love to snuggle and preen. Many people believe lovebirds must be kept in pairs. This is simply not true. A single lovebird makes a better pet because it bonds to you rather than to another lovebird.

Watch these young lovebirds play “The Mirror Game” – They fly up to their reflections in the mirror to watch themselves fly, then land, then the other one goes. They never hit the mirror and can play this game forever without getting tired.

Lovebirds are quite aggressive chewers, which must be kept in mind when choosing toys. Make sure there are no small parts that can be chewed off and ingested, and no clips, loose strings, or other parts in which your bird could get its beak, feet, or head trapped. Safe toys include wood, sisal, leather, acrylic, and rawhide toys (including hanging toys as long as they are not long enough to strangle your bird), bells, and ladders.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Cage-Free in Calcutta On the agenda

       The event opened with four short films on battery cages and the reasons to switch to cage-free eggs. The master of ceremonies, local celebrity Oindrilla Dutt, gave thoughtful commentary in between.

Next came a panel: HSI’s N. Jayasimha spoke about HSI and animal welfare. Dr. Naisargi Dave from the University of Toronto cited research showing that even the smallest increase in consumer knowledge about the conditions of hens leads to increases in demand for cage-free eggs. Finally, Chef Sharad Dewan of Park Hotels said that he had committed to cage-free eggs and was confident that profitability would naturally follow. It is obvious to him, he said, that the trend is toward humane food, health, and wellness, and that consumers understand that hens produce better products when they’re living healthier lives.

A second panel comprised of Chef Wafab from the Hyatt in Kolkata, Ms. Jhilam from the Hyatt, Mr. Sanjay Mitra from Keggs Farms, and Mr. Dibeyendu Banerjee, a local smaller-scale cage-free farmer, answered questions. Topics included how to increase consumer knowledge, how to help smaller-scale suppliers link up directly with consumers, how cage-free farming actually increases rural food security, and whether chefs detected any difference in the quality of cage-free eggs (to which they answered yes, the taste is superior).

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Cat evolution
            The domesticated cat and its closest wild ancestor are both diploid organisms that possess 38 chromosomes and roughly 20,000 genes. About 250 heritable genetic disorders have been identified in cats, many similar to human inborn errors. The high level of similarity among the metabolisms of mammals allows many of these feline diseases to be diagnosed using genetic tests that were originally developed for use in humans, as well as the use of cats as animal models in the study of the human diseases.

"Cat evolution"

        The felids are a rapidly evolving family of mammals that share a common ancestor only 10–15 million years ago, and include, in addition to the domestic cat, lions, tigers, cougars, and many others. Within this family, domestic cats (Felis catus) are part of the genus Felis, which is a group of small cats containing approximately seven species (depending upon classification scheme). Members of the genus are found worldwide and include the jungle cat (Felis chaus) of southeast Asia, European wildcat (F. silvestris silvestris), African wildcat (F. s. lybica), the Chinese mountain cat , and the Arabian sand cat (F. margarita), among others.

All the cats in this genus share a common ancestor that probably lived around 6–7 million years ago in Asia. The exact relationships within the Felidae are close but still uncertain,e.g. the Chinese mountain cat is sometimes classified (under the name Felis silvestris bieti) as a subspecies of the wildcat, like the North African variety F. s. lybica. As domestic cats are little altered from wildcats, they can readily interbreed. This hybridization poses a danger to the genetic distinctiveness of wildcat populations, particularly in Scotland and Hungary

Pest-Eating Birds

hi friends,,,,,,,Sep-11,.

This is the first time scientists have assigned a monetary value to the pest-control benefits rainforest birds can provide to agriculture. Their study could provide the framework for pest management that helps both farmers and biodiversity.

The latest finding from these researchers suggests that the birds are returning the favor to farmers by eating an aggressive coffee bean pest, the borer beetle, thereby improving coffee bean yields by hundreds of dollars per hectare.

The study is the first to put a monetary value on the pest-control benefits rainforest can provide to agriculture, which the researchers hope can inform both farmers and conservationists.

"The benefits that we might get are huge," said Daniel Karp, a graduate student in biology and lead author of the study. "There's lots of unrealized value in these small patches of rainforest. This looks like a sustainable, win-win opportunity for pest management."

The researchers hope that the work will improve conservation efforts in heavily farmed areas by illustrating to farmers the financial benefits of leaving some land in its natural state, while also guiding governments toward the best conservation methods

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Pufferfish Meditate Magnesium
Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology collaborate colleagues at Japan's Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science and Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Minnasota, USA, to uncovered the molecular mechanisms behind Mg2+ secretion in fresh and seawater Takifugu pufferfish species.
The bodily functions of creatures that live in aquatic environments are affected by the presence of ions of different elements in the water. Bodies naturally absorb and retain ions as essential nutrients, but an excess of any one ion in the body can be damaging.
The magnesium ion Mg2+ is the second most abundant cation in seawater. Both freshwater and seawater fish maintain a certain level of Mg2+ in the plasma in their bodies, and it has long been known that seawater fish secrete Mg2+ into their urine in order to avoid an excess of absorbed Mg2+ from their surroundings. However, certain species of fish are capable of living in both salt and freshwater conditions, and how they alter Mg2+ secretion in their bodies accordingly is not well understood.
Now, Akira Kato and co-workers at Tokyo Institute of Technology, together with researchers from Japan's Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science and Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Minnasota, USA, have uncovered the molecular mechanisms behind Mg2+ secretion in fresh and seawater Takifugu pufferfish species.
"For freshwater fish, Mg2+ is an important nutrient which should be retained if excess Mg2+ is not absorbed from food," explains Kato. "Seawater contains around 30 times more Mg2+ than the blood of seawater fish. If seawater fish cannot excrete excess Mg2+, they face hypermagnesemia which causes failure of normal tissue functions in the nerves, muscles, and heart."

Safe' Levels of Environmental Pollution May Have Long-Term Health Consequences

This study adds evidences for rethinking the way of addressing risk assessment especially when considering that the human population is widely exposed to low levels of thousands of chemicals, and that the health impact of realistic mixtures of pollutants will have to be tested as well," said Brigitte Le Magueresse-Battistoni, a researcher involved in the work from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). "Indeed, one pollutant could have a different effect when in mixture with other pollutants. Thus, our study may have strong implications in terms of recommendations for food security. Our data also bring new light to the understanding of the impact of environmental food contaminants in the development of metabolic diseases."

To make this discovery, scientists used two groups of obese mice. Both were fed a high-fat, high-sucrose enriched diet, with one group receiving a cocktail of pollutants added to its diet at a very low dosage. These pollutants were given to the mice throughout -- from pre-conception to adulthood. Although the researchers did not observe toxicity or excess of weight gain in the group having received the cocktail of pollutants, they did see a deterioration of glucose tolerance in females, suggesting a defect in insulin signaling. Study results suggest that the mixture of pollutants reduced estrogen activity in the liver through enhancing an enzyme in charge of estrogen elimination. In contrast to females, glucose tolerance was not impacted in males exposed to the cocktail of pollutants. However, males did show some changes in liver related to cholesterol synthesis and transport. This study fuels the concept that pollutants may contribute to the current prevalence of chronic diseases including metabolic diseases and diabetes.

Monday 9 September 2013

Kerala Elephants

       Elephants fun:The Elephant Festival Kerala or the Kerala Elephant festival is celebrated
every year in the month of Medam (Mid April -Mid-May) as per the Malayalam Calendar at
Thrissur in the Indian coastal state of Kerala . This annual festival is referred to as
Thrissur Pooram in Thrissur and is regarded as the festival of all festivals in Kerala.

 But He fires the enthusiasm among the elephant lovers by the elegant beauty and
the majestic look. The most popular elephant of Kerala owned by Guruvayoor Devaswom.
He has the privilege to carry the 'golden thidambu' of Lord Guruvayoorappa during
'Ekadasi Vilakku'and 'Arattu Ezhunnallippu' since 1962.
People had a strong belief that he had the blessings of Lord Guruvayoorappa.
He has been considered as the rebirth of 'Eiravatha' the elephant of King Indra.
So his presence attracts the elephant lovers and devotees. He has all the auspicious signs of the elephant explained in 'Mathangaleela' -a book about the elephants.
He is also known for the calm and obedient behavior and has never run amok during a festival.

Almost all temples in Kerala own one or more elephant which are donated by devotees.
These Temple elephants are very well looked after and carry the resident temple deity during
the annual festivities & processions.
These temple elephants are decorated with gold plated Forehead ornament called Nettipattom,
and are further adorned with bells and necklaces. The Mahouts and Priests mounted on the elephants hold silk
parasols called Muthukuda and sway large white Yak tail whisks called Venchamaram and Large peacock feather fans
called Aalavattom to the rhythm of the Panchavadyam.

Friday 6 September 2013


Hi it's your friend......!
today hot news for "cock fight" in india,

Cock fighting,. is a favourite sport of people living in the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh,
Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts of Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka,
and the state of Tamil nadu India. In Tamil Nadu, the winner is decided after three or four rounds.
People watch with intense interest surrounding the cocks. The sport has gradually become a gambling sport.

In Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Tanjore, Trichy and Salem Districts,
only naked heel sport is performed. In Erode, Thiruppur, Karur
and Coimbatore districts only bloody blade fights are conducted.
During festival seasons, this is the major game for men.
Women normally don't participate.

It is referred to as the favourite pastime for Maravars or the warriors of Tamil Country.
It is acknowledged as one of the 64 "arts" widely spoken
by the scholars and mastered by the ancestors/scholars of this part of the world.
In earlier days they were fighting with the jungle fowl and its variants later,
due to the naval expeditions to Java and Malay by the Pandian Rulers
the local poultry of that land might have found its way to Tamil Nadu and a new strain/breed
started its development in here which later spread to many places such as India.
The newer breeds which are known now are The "Reja"
(There are many rare breeds preserved by these cock fighters)
The sport has gradually become a gambling sport.